22:41OrthopaedicsHip Arthroscopy with Acetabular Osteoplasty and Labral RepairScott D. Martin, MDBrigham and Women's Hospital
10:20General SurgeryPediatric SurgeryGlobal SurgeryAnal FistulotomyJohn Doe, Marcus Lester R. Suntay, MD, FPCS, FPSPS, FPALESRomblon Provincial Hospital
01:00:29General SurgeryAnterior Component Separation for Multiple Incisional Hernias Along an Upper Midline IncisionDavid Berger, MDMassachusetts General Hospital
16:39OrthopaedicsOrthopaedic TraumaHand SurgeryBiceps Tenodesis for Distal Biceps Tendon RepairAsif M. Ilyas, MD, FACSRothman Institute
14:59FundamentalsGeneral SurgeryGlobal SurgerySebaceous Cyst ExcisionCasey L. Meier, RN, Marcus Lester R. Suntay, MD, FPCS, FPSPS, FPALESRomblon Provincial Hospital
41:35General SurgeryLeft Laparoscopic Transperitoneal Adrenalectomy for AldosteronomaRichard Hodin, MDMassachusetts General Hospital
53:37General SurgeryWide Local Excision of an Intermediate-Thickness Back Melanoma with a Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy of Left Axillary Lymph NodesJohn Doe, John Doe, John DoeMassachusetts General Hospital
22:10General SurgeryTrauma and Acute Care SurgeryOrthopaedicsOrthopaedic TraumaAnkle-Brachial Index, CT Angiography, and Proximal Tibial Traction for Gunshot Femoral FractureJohnathan R. Kent, MD, James Jeffries, MD, Andrew Straszewski, MD, Kenneth L. Wilson, MD, FACSUChicago Medicine
01:46:13Vascular SurgeryFemoral Endarterectomy for Severe Peripheral Arterial DiseaseMassachusetts General Hospital
13:41OtolaryngologyNeurosurgeryAnterior Skull Base Resection of Esthesioneuroblastoma (Endoscopic)David W Jang, MD, Ali R. Zomorodi, MD, John Doe, John Doe, C. Scott Brown, MDDuke University Medical Center
43:02General SurgeryTransperitoneal Laparoscopic Right Adrenalectomy for Cortical AdenomaJohn Doe, Richard Hodin, MDMassachusetts General Hospital
54:43General SurgeryLaparoscopic Nissen FundoplicationCiro Andolfi, MD, Marco Fisichella, MD, MBA, FACSVA Boston Healthcare System
08:31OrthopaedicsHand SurgeryArthrodesis of the Distal Interphalangeal (DIP) Joint of the Right Ring Finger for ArthritisAsif M. Ilyas, MD, FACSRothman Institute
44:26OtolaryngologyLaser Stapedotomy for OtosclerosisC. Scott Brown, MD, Calhoun D. Cunningham III, MDDuke University Medical Center
13:44OrthopaedicsOrthopaedic TraumaHand SurgeryTriceps Repair for Acute Triceps Tendon RuptureAsif M. Ilyas, MD, FACSRothman Institute