

The Student Doctor Network (SDN, is a community of health professionals and students dedicated to providing students, residents and practitioners with free and unbiased information. The educational mission of SDN is to assist and encourage all students through the challenging and complicated healthcare education process and into practice. Resources include a forum community, feature articles, monthly webinars, MCAT study schedule, medical specialty selector, interview feedback, SDN Experts, school rankings and reviews, Career Center, and more.

InciSioN ( is a non-profit organization representing over 5000 students, trainees, and early career physicians around the world, who are passionate about Global Surgery. We work towards the common goal of access to safe, timely and affordable surgical healthcare for all. Our work rests on three pillars of Advocacy, Education, and Research.



The following companies have supported JOMI in providing a sponsorship with their products.


We use Wistia to handle our video playback needs.  Wistia has been an amazing support for us from our very beginning and we will remember this.  Always.

Why we like them?

Besides sponsoring us with a business account, Wistia provides 1) a clean video interface, 2) handles everything related to properly encoding the video to be played on any device, and 3) provides very interesting analytics about which portions of the videos get the most playback.