• 1. Intake, Exposure, Anterior Secondary, IV Access, and Pain Medication
  • 2. Saber Removal and Evaluation of Lacerations
  • 3. Posterior Secondary Exam
  • 4. Completion of Secondary Exam; Right Femur and Right Knee X-Rays; FAST Exam; and Arterial Pressure Index
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Trauma Resuscitation Demonstration in a Stable Patient with a Minor Perforating Wound

Priya Prakash, MD
UChicago Medicine

Main Text

The patient in this case is a 17-year-old male who presented in stable condition with a minor, superficial, perforating saber wound. In this video article, Dr. Priya Prakash at UChicago Medicine demonstrates a trauma resuscitation and removes the saber.

Main text coming soon.