• 1. Inject Local Anesthetic
  • 2. Incision
  • 3. Dissection
  • 4. Draining of Cyst
  • 5. Removal of Cyst
  • 6. Closure
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Pediatric Excision of Ganglion Cyst from Right Wrist


Marcus Lester R. Suntay, MD, FPCS, FPSPS, FPALES
Philippine Children's Medical Center

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A ganglion cyst is a small, fluid-filled sac that forms over a tendon or joint. It presents as a lump underneath the skin, which contains a jelly-like material that is typically thick, sticky, clear, and odorless. These cysts most commonly develop on the tendons of the wrist or hand, but can also appear on the ankle or foot. The exact cause is unknown, but injured joints or tendons are more likely to form a ganglion cyst. Ganglion cysts are usually painless; however, if a cyst presses on a nerve, it can cause pain, tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. Asymptomatic ganglion cysts do not require treatment, and about half disappear without intervention. But with larger or symptomatic cysts, treatment may be recommended. Fluid inside the cyst may be aspirated to relieve pressure and pain, but it does not eliminate the cyst, and is associated with a high level of recurrence. Excision of the cyst can also be performed. It is more invasive, but generally has a lower level of recurrence. Here, we present the case of a pediatric patient with a ganglion cyst on her right wrist. Excision of the cyst was elected over aspiration in order to decrease the chance of recurrence.

Main text coming soon.